Friday, June 12, 2009

Tips For Setting A Bait

Here are some tips to set a bait you can set up for your website:

  • Well written and original article

  • Contests or Awards

  • On-site web tool or application

  • An interview with a notable personality

  • An industry-specific ranking list

  • Free items and resources

  • Free gifts, discount bundles or deals

  • Widgets for a community

  • An interesting interview

  • A helpful new tool or piece of software

  • A useful resource, e.g. a collection of the writer's favourite designs online

  • An enticing event

  • Something borderline controversial

  • Something particularly humorous or shocking

  • A beautiful illustration, design, set of photos

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Google Squared - For Complex Searches

Some information is easy to find. If you want to learn the chess rules, you Google for "chess rules" and Google will return a list of relevant web sites right at the top. But not all your information needs are that simple. Answers to some questions can be more complex, requiring you to visit ten to twenty websites to research and collect what you need.

For example, you are searching for various information on roller coasters such as which ones are the tallest, fastest, and have the most loops. Finding this information can be tedious job and will take lots of your time. Because you have to use multiple searches and you would rather find roller coaster sizes on one website, heights on another, and speeds on a third.

But with Google Squared one can easily get answers to their complex searches. Google Squared is an experimental search tool that collects facts from the web and presents them in an organized collection, similar to a spreadsheet. If you search for "roller coasters", Google Squared builds a square with rows for each of several specific roller coasters and columns for corresponding facts, such as image, height and maximum speed.

If you click on any fact, you'll see the sources Google Squared gathered it from as well as a list of other possible values that you can investigate. So even if your square isn't perfect at the beginning, it's easy to work with Google Squared to get a better answer in no time. Once you've got a square you're happy with, you can save it and come back to it later.
To give Google Squared a whirl, try searching for "planets" or "romantic movies". You can try out Google Squared now in Google Labs.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bing Vs Google

Fast forward 2009, Microsoft's publicly releases its search engine and replaces Live Search. I am not surprised if Bing ultimately succeeds or not, but it will surely push Google to keep innovating search, and the new pay per click competition will ensure that Google doesn't get too greedy.


Bing is not dramatically different from Google, but some people have found its results stronger. There are some visible changes:

• Bing shows a preview of the web pages in the search results when you hover your mouse pointer at the right side of the search results.
• Bing displays fewer results if it is certain that it has understood your intent. The search for “Facebook”, for example, brings up just one result linking to the site itself.
• Some search results are divided into categories. For example, if you search for the popular musician “Justin Timberlake”, you’ll get results in the categories news, songs, movies, biography, wallpaper and downloads. In addition, the search results show images, videos and the popularity of the musician.
• Wikipedia searches can be displayed inline in the search results without leaving the Bing site by clicking the “Enhanced view” link.
• Bing features a different background image every day. The image contains special hidden hotspots that lead you to more information (soon advertising?) about the image.
• Despite the background image, Bing’s homepage loads very quickly in your web browser because the search box and logo load first. You can turn off the background image.
• Bing’s video search lets you watch videos without leaving the search engine.
• Bing offers specific health, shopping and travel search engines, as well as instant answers to travel searches. For instance, the search “Vegas hotels” displays a selection of hotels in Las Vegas, including hotel stars and prices.
• Bing’s search history lets you return to your most recent searches of the last two days. This feature can be turned off to protect your privacy.
• Some of Google’s features are missing, for example, Bing doesn’t seem to recognize misspellings and returns no results in these cases.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some Interesting Things That Google Knows About You

Everybody knows Google very well, but do you know as well that Google also knows all about you. Even how your voice sounds and how you look. Here i have gathered some interesting things that google knows about.
  • What you’re searching for.
  • The web pages you visit.
  • The blogs you read.
  • Your financial information: Users of AdSense and/or Google Checkout share financial information, addresses, and other personal information with Google.
  • The strength and popularity of your website or blog.
  • Who and what you’re emailing.
  • What’s on your PC: If you’re using Google Desktop.
  • Your research paper, bills, upcoming blog post, etc.: Using Docs and Spreadsheets means exposing the information in your documents to Google.
  • Your schedule: If you are using Google Calendar.
  • Your social network and interests: Google indexes sites like Orkut, Facebook, and Digg, hence it knows what you are interested in.
  • When you’re going to get the flu: Google can track flu related searches to find out where and when the flu happens.
  • Where you and your friends are: Using Google Latitude and Google maps reveal the info about your location.
  • What you’re watching on YouTube.
  • What and where you study: If you choose to use Google Books,scholar and University Search, then you are giving good info to Google about your academic life.
  • Everything you’re looking at online.
  • Your problems: Personal as well as professional.
  • Your medical issues: If you choose to use Google Health.
  • Your home address: Use Google Maps, AdSense, or Checkout, and there’s a good chance Google has your home address.
  • Your Mobile Number.
  • How Your Voice Sounds: Interesting. Using Google Talk will share the sound of your voice with Google.
  • What you, your friends and family look like and do: You are sharing your photo albums on PICASA.
  • Everything you do online.
  • Your Shopping List.
  • What your business is about: Keywords and purchasing patterns on Adwords share information about your business with Google.
  • What’s important to you: If you’ve set up Google Alerts.

Courtesy: e-justice blog

Monday, May 11, 2009

Is your website banned in Search Engine?

One of the most popular question and most difficult diagnosis for a website.
The symptoms for whether your website is banned in search engines are assembled below -
  • First of all you will notice a drastic drop down in traffic from search engines. This indicates that your keywords are droping from your original rankings
  • Next the standard checks will reveal some suspicious results like: - results dropped for the domain in question - results dropped for the domain in question - shows dropped or no results - shows dropped or no results - returns results less than the previously shown - returns results less than the previously shown
  • For your site the page rank toolbar shows this message when you take your mouse over it -"Current page is not ranked by Google", previously it was pretty green.

If you have observed these symptoms in your website then it is a possibility that your website is banned.

To verify finally, whether your site is banned is to check this search query "+www.yoursite.+com" (with the quotes) in search bar of Google. Now search for your site pages in the search results. If there are no pages from your site in the displayed search results, then your site is probably banned. But if you see some pages from your site, then you can set back be assured that your site has not been banned.

Promoting Competitive Keywords

How to promote extremly popular business having competitive keywords?

It is very tedious task to optimize a very popular businees. Because for a popular business there is always tremendous amount of competition for your targeting keywords. Then how one can promote a popular business with highly competitive keywords and get good traffic and good rankings.

The answers is you should optimize your website based on your USP(Unique Selling Proposition). USP indicates the one different characterstic in your services, the one offer that is different from your major competitors.

Like you have a jewelry site and every one knows that jewelry is a very popular business and the related keywords are highly competitive. Then how will you stand among others? You should compare your business from your competitors and isolate the one factor(USP) that makes you different from other business.

Lets say your USP is your "customized" section. You offer the facility of customizing a jewelry by choosing the favourite stone with the favourite setting. Now you should work on promoting the USP i.e target your keyword phrases for the customized section of your website. Since customizing a jewelry piece is popular among visitors. This will work for your site.

You can also work towards developing fresh content optimized for popular keywords that are less competitive.